User methods

(Click here to see demo that resets MenuOptions options & resets a MenuOptions input field )

add_menuoption_key [ deprecated ]

Alternative to add_menuoption_key

A call to MenuOptions with no parameters will auto-configure


if there is a key (a code repesenting the value) in the input field it will be replaced with the value (the text the user should see) and the menu_opt_key will be set to the key Alternatively, if there is a value in the input field it will be left as is and the menu_opt_key will be set to the key

Useful for when a value is pasted into a select list field, add_menuoption_key will set the menu_opt_key, based on the text visible in the input field. So, for example, the user pasted “January” inot the month field, calling add_menuoption_key will cause the month code to be placed in the menu_opt_key field.



Thise example shows using add_menuoption_key


set_select_value [ deprecated ]

(Use this method instead )

allows the select list field to be set programmatically. Pass in an object with either ‘ky’ or ‘val’ as the key and the actual value.


$(<selector>).menuoptions('set_select_value', { 'ky'|'val': <value>});

These examples show using both forms of set_select_value

$('input#delivery').menuoptions('set_select_value', {'val': 'Delivered'});
$('input#crust').menuoptions('set_select_value', {'ky': '3'}); // Thick

Note: to clear out a Rocker control (reset), set the ‘val’ to ‘’ (empty string).

$('input#delivery').menuoptions('set_select_value', {'val': ''});

call MenuOptions with no parameters (replaces set_select_value)

// ----   Step #1 ----
// set the input contents using the value
//        -- OR --
// set the input contents using the key
// ----   Step #2 ----
// call MenuOptions with no parameters will auto-configure
//        -- OR --
// call MenuOptions with no parameters to auto-configure ALL the MenuOptions widgets on page

refreshData [ deprecated ]

refreshData allows all parameters to be dynamically reset


$(<selector>).menuoptions('refreshData', { 'option': 'option value', ...});

Using refreshData is no longer required to reset MenuOptions parameters.

[resetting MenuOptions data] (replaces refreshData)

$(<selector>).menuoptions({ 'option': 'option value', ...});

This example shows resetting a select list from input type to Rocker type and removing any previous Sort instructions

$('input#pizzatype').menuoptions({"MenuOptionsType":"Rocker", "Sort": []});

This example shows resetting a select list’s Data

$('input#delivery').menuoptions({"Data": { 1: "Deliver", 2:"Pick up" } });

This example shows resetting a select list’s Width

$('input#delivery').menuoptions({'Width' : 100 });

This example shows making a select list display to the right (instead of at bottom)

$('input#delivery').menuoptions({"ShowAt" : "right"});;

This example shows resetting a select list’s ColumnCount

$('input#pizzatype').menuoptions({'ColumnCount' : 2 });